Kinesiology professor elected vice president of NSCA Board

Aug 20, 2012 | General News

Dr. David Szymanski, associate professor of kinesiology and the Eva Cunningham Endowed Professor in Education at Louisiana Tech University, has been elected to serve as vice president for the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s (NSCA) Board of Directors.
Szymanski was nominated by NSCA Board President Dr. Steve Fleck in July and received full board approval to serve a one-year term as vice president.

Dr. David Szymanski

“Being the Vice President of the NSCA allows me to be on the cusp of the decision making processes of the NSCA as it moves forward in its growth and development as the world’s leader in strength and conditioning,” said Szymanski.  “It will allow me to represent this association in the states as well as internationally to deliver the message of bridging the gap between science and practical application of strength and conditioning.”
In addition to his election as vice president, Szymanski is also an NSCA Fellow – an honor reserved for professionals whose frequent and sustained contributions to the profession have promoted the goals and activities of the NSCA.  It’s intended to promote excellence and leadership within the NSCA by recognizing high standards and extraordinary professional development.
Szymanski says he hopes he can assist the Board in making good decisions that allow the NSCA to stay at the forefront of all that is going on in the strength and conditioning world, which is very diverse and ever changing.
“I also hope that I can help develop policies and procedures that propel this association ahead,” Szymanski said.
The NSCA is an international nonprofit educational association that serves nearly 30,000 members in 52 countries. Drawing upon its vast network of members, the NSCA develops and presents the most advanced information regarding strength training and conditioning practices, injury prevention, and research findings.
“My new position will allow Louisiana Tech’s kinesiology program to be highlighted around the world and provide interest that it may not otherwise receive since those that view the Board of Directors online will want to see where these individuals work and what they do in their respective positions,” Szymanski said.  “I hope this will attract more students to enroll in Tech’s kinesiology program at both the undergraduate and graduate level.
“For our current students, my position shows that when someone works hard, has a passion for what they do, and gets actively involved, they can be greatly rewarded by having the opportunity to represent an association’s membership.  It also shows that Louisiana Tech Kinesiology is a strong academic program that has high standards, provides an excellent education, and outstanding practical experiences.”
Szymanski was the 2008 recipient of Louisiana Tech’s Virgil Orr Undergraduate Junior Faculty Award and the College of Education’s Outstanding Faculty Research Award.  He also served as Louisiana Tech’s University Senate President during the 2011-2012 academic year.
Szymanski’s research interests include baseball bat swing and batted-ball velocity, baseball and throwing velocity, sports performance, and body composition.